Recently, my best friend forever turned sister was visiting for the Fourth of July. Her and her eldest daughter came down for the weekend. The arrived Wed. night, so on Thursday we took all the kids to the zoo for something to do. After all what is the use of having yearly passes if you only go once or twice. While at the Zoo, our Auntie bought us all ice cream which was most welcome in the afternoon heat of 100 and something degrees.
Now I must confess, every once in a while, I tell my children they are growing entirely too fast and I would like them to slow down or stop altogether for a while. One of these conversations sprang up as I was trying to convince the children that I had heard of an experimental program that the government was working on to aid parents who would like to keep their children a certain age. It was called Operation Neverland. Parents would be able to contact an operations center and request the desired age for their children to stop growing up. Then at night when they are sleeping, they would shine a special light on them and they would stay that age until the parents put in a request for the aging to begin again. The light could also be used on adults, but there are side effects. Some adults turned into bad tempered pirates. Joey listened and enjoyed his ice cream while Bailey, Mikey, and Auntie added colorful details to this tail. Then he stopped and put his spoon down and asked,
"What, did Obama say that?!" And we all started laughing. I assure you that I did come clean and told my little one that we were telling a tail; that there is no such thing as Operation Neverland; that there is nothing anyone can do to stop him growing up, but I do so enjoy him and his brother and sister right this very moment that I wish I could make it last just a little bit longer.
We have issued several orders to stop with the growing up immediately, but apparently they've fallen on deaf ears. All of that growing-it always seems to lead to something even more wonderful than I imagined, but there are times I'd like to capture forever.